Sa Huynh Beach

Location: Sa Huynh Beach is situated in Pho Thanh Commune, Duc Pho District, 60km south of Quang Ngai City.
Characteristics: Sa Huynh is also called Sa Hoang, it means "gold sand". Therefore, the color of sand is not white like some others, it is glitter yellow sand.

From Hanoi, one can reach Sa Huynh Beach by car or by train. One can also travel by boat from Haiphong or from Ho Chi Minh City and reach Sa Huynh Port. Close to National Highway 1A, it is the ideal location to spend a few days on a beach bordered by coconut groves and rice paddies.



Sa Huynh Motel was built to accommodate travellers and let them enjoy the sea for a day or two before continuing their journey.


Sa Huynh Beach is beautiful with clear water and golden sand. Visitors can also travel by ship from Haiphong or Ho Chi Minh City.