Time: Middle of the 3rd lunar month. Place: Coastal villages of Man Thai, Tho Quang, Thanh Loc Dan, etc. Objects of worship: Grandfather Fish. Characteristics: The peace ceremony which is organized on the first night. The next morning, villagers take part in a water procession, accompanied by a music band and an ensemble of hat boi.
This is one of the most important festivals for the fishermen in Da Nang. It takes place every year, for two days, in the middle of the third lunar month at the coastal villages of Man Thai, Tho Quang, Thanh Loc Dan, etc. The festival is celebrated as an act of the fishermen thank whales, respectfully called Grandfather Fish, and it is also linked to the prosperity of the fishing villages and peaceful life for the fishermen.
Cau Ngu Festival. Photo: Internet
On the first day of the festival, all the villagers place significant objects on a table to begin the peace ceremony which is organized on the first night. The next morning, villagers take part in a water procession, accompanied by a music band and an ensemble of hat boi (Viet Nam traditional opera). During the two days of the festival, all ships and boats are decorated and anchored at the wharf. Cau Ngu Festival has been recognised as national intangible culture heritage.
Da Nang City
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Tel: (84-236) 3743 777
Add: 7 Ha Bong St., Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3943 380
Add: Bai Bac, Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3938 888
Add: 27 Vo Van Kiet St., Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3933 999
Add: 136 – 138 – 140 Phan Chau Trinh St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3664 488 /3664 499
Add: 102-104 Ho Xuan Huong St., Ngu Hanh Son Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3960 555
Add: Vo Nguyen Giap St., Ngu Hanh Son Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3981 999
Add: Lot 29-33 Le Van Quy St., Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3568 888
Add: 21 -23 Ly Thuong Kiet St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 6256 699/ 6256 677
Add: Phạm Van Dong St., Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3923 666
Add: Lot A1, Zone of the Villas of Green Island, Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3797 777
Add: 42 Loseby St., Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3984 777/ 3984 772
Add: 5 Phan Liem St., Ngu Hanh Son Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3941 945
Add: 270 Vo Nguyen Giap St., Ngu Hanh Son Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3956 789
Add: 23 Truong Sa St., Ngu Hanh Son Dist
Tel: (84-236) 3966 889
Add: 2 Ong Ich Khiem St., Thanh Khe Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 382 9139
Add: Lot 30B2-12 Phan Liem St., Ngu Hanh Son Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3919 168
Add: 1 Le Van Duyet St., Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3878 999
Add: 2 Ha Bong St., Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3943 378
Add: 242 Vo Nguyen Giap St., Q. Sơn Trà
Tel: (84-236) 3936 936
Add: 96-98 Le Dinh Duong St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3825 384
Add: 29 Pham Hong Thai St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3843 888
Add: 194-196 Nguyen Van Linh St., Thanh Khe Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3573 939
Add: 119 Le Loi St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 2240 891
Add: 18 Tran Phu St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3889 687
Add: Lot 9-10 Vo Nguyen Giap St., Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3942 947
Add: 53 Tran Quoc Toan St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3825 211
Add: 300 Hai Phong St., Thanh Khe Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3752 779
Add: 174-2/9 St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3611 822
Add: 122 Nguyen Chi Thanh St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3562 435
Add: 231 Nguyen Tat Thanh St., Thanh khe Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3530 955
Add: 42 Le Duan St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3565 962
Add: Lot 17-18 Vo Nguyen Giap St., Son Tra Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3831494
Add: 7 Bach Dang St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3575 898
Add: 25 Yen Bai St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3849969
Add: 225 Nguyen Chi Thanh St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3823 772
Add: 222 Tran Phu St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3561 409
Add: 2/9 St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3668 888
Add: 139 Nguyen Chi Thanh St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3863 048
Add: 120 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai St., Hai Chau Dist.
Tel: (84-236) 3829 929