Korean students keen on Vietnamese culture
Update: Nov 11, 2009
More than 300 Republic of Korean students who are learning Vietnamese attended a Vietnamese language contest and a Vietnamese culture and arts festival held in Republic of Korea (RoK) for the first time on November 11.

The event was co-organized by the Vietnamese embassy in the RoK and the Vietnamese faculty at the Hankuk (RoK) University of Foreign Languages (HUFS). It attracted Korean students from the Vietnamese faculties of RoK universities such as HUFS, Chungwoon University, Youngsan University, Pusan University of Foreign Studies (PUFS) and Seoul National University, as well as many Vietnamese students who are studying in the RoK.

The panel of judges was impressed by the contestants’ carefully-prepared performances, said Tran Hai Linh, President of the Vietnamese Students Association in the RoK. He added that the Korean students learning Vietnamese had demonstrated their ability to pronounce Vietnamese as well as their large vocabularies and expressiveness in each part of the contest, which included speaking, singing, dancing and acting.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador in the RoK, Pham Tien Van, praised the students’ efforts to learn Vietnamese at their respective universities. He expressed his belief that these students will help strengthen the fine relationship between the peoples of Vietnam and the RoK.

The first prize for spoken Vietnamese went to students from HUFS, the first prize for dancing to PUFS and Chungwoon University, and another first prize for acting to students from HUFS.

As part of the festival, the Vietnamese students and their Korean counterparts competed in a mini football competition, which was won by the team from the Vietnamese Students Association in the RoK.